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A vulnerability is a weakness which allows an attacker to reduce a system's information assurance. Vulnerability is the intersection of three eleme...

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Server Administrator

I have over 30 years in the IT industry. During this time I have worked with a variety of products in a variety of industries.


Totally Resolving SMBv1 Vulnerabilities Through GPO

While SMBv1 has been disabled on current operating systems, some older operating systems are still in production. This can cause the vulnerability to still existing in an environment. Sometimes is shows up unexpectedly. This was the case recently and how it was resolved through a GPO.

CVSS Explained:How to Evaluate and Prioritize Vulnerabilities in Your Organization

What is a Vulnerability ? In the context of cybersecurity, a vulnerability is a weakness or flaw in a system’s security posture that could potentially be exploited by attackers to gain unauthorized access, steal data, or cause damage. How to rate them, & prioritize remediation ?

Resolving the MpSigStub Version Vulnerability

Often the MpSigStub vulnerability shows up in systems where an organization does not natively use Microsoft Defender for Antivirus. Therefore, other steps are needed to resolve this issue. This article shows several ways to resolve this issue.

419 Page Expired: Understanding the Implications and How to Avoid Them

In today's digital age, where online transactions and interactions have become the norm, encountering errors while browsing the internet is not uncommon. One such error is the "419 Page Expired" message, which can be frustrating and confusing for users.

Resolving Microsoft WinTrust Verify Vulnerability Through GPO

This article will walk you through resolving CVE-2013-3900 on all systems by pushing it out via a GPO

Vulnerability Management 101 - Scanning

This article will provide some helpful insights into the types scanning and best practices for running a vulnerability management program.
Data Breach

What is the cause of the Data Breach Incident and how to deal with it? we'll see

This FAQ-based post lists top questions related to data breaches. We also provide answers to each question one after another. Cloud computing users can read them in full and improve their knowledge about the data breach incident occurring at CyberWorld.

Preparing Your Business for an Emergency

Natural disasters, technical faults, human error—these are just a few factors that leave your IT systems vulnerable to failure. To ensure incidents like these don’t catch you off guard or put your team offline, emergency planning is a must.

Make the RIGHT Security by Building Your Security PIVOT

Take a step back to reflect where are we now and where we should be heading to in the next (and many more) tranches of getting to implement the RIGHT security. We need to build security PIVOT to stay in the cyber chase with the adversaries.

libSSH Authentication Bypass Vulnerability Analysis(CVE-2018-10933)

libSSH Authentication Bypass Vulnerability Analysis(CVE-2018-10933)
Trade off - web cache poisoning

Understanding the danger of Web Cache

Web cache has been one of the performance options but though it serves well in enhancing the user experience, it can also inadvertently act as a point for attacks if it is not secured to reduce the exposure. Read on to find out the hidden threats in web cache.
NEO Coolcam Vulnerabilities -

Multiple Vulnerabilities In NEO Coolcam's Webcam

The NEO Coolcam's webcam bypasses the login and multiple remote code execution vulnerabilities bases on stack overflow and data analysis report.
Secure Mobile DNA

Know you Mobile DNA - Secure the Mobile device and apps better.

The explosive trends of the increasing number of mobile devices and apps get us in trouble despite the benefits they give. Run through the common threats faced. Tackle them with a strategy to better secure our mobile device and apps against these emerging threats.

Vulnerability Assessments versus Penetration Tests

In computing, Vulnerability assessment and penetration testing are used to assess systems in light of the organization's security posture, but they have different purposes.

How Penetration Testing benefiting the IT Firms

A discussion about Penetration Testing and the Tools used to help achieve this important task.

Incident Handling and Response Plan

An Incident response plan is an organized approach to addressing and managing an incident. The goal is to handle the situation in a way that limits damage and reduces recovery time and costs.
Intels Corporation

Intel's Bug, Spectre and MeltDown Updated 01/19/2018

Spectre and Meltdown, how it affects me and my clients?

What Threats Will You Face in 2018?

2017 was a scary year for cyber security. Hear what our security experts say that hackers have in store for us in 2018.

What You Need To Know About Anti-Phishing Standards – Part 1

Phishing emails are a popular malware delivery vehicle for attack. While there are many ways for an attacker to increase the chances of success for their phishing emails, one of the most effective methods involves spoofing the message to appear to come from a trusted source. Ready to learn more?

Unconventional Hacking – Ticket Trick

A new hacking trick has emerged leveraging your own helpdesk or support ticketing tools as an easy way to distribute malware.

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